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Fomentar el talent

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SEGRO’s people are vital to our success; We are committed to attracting and retaining a diverse range of talented individuals in our business. As a business, our Purpose is to create the space that enables extraordinary things to happen. That is as true for our people as it is for our buildings, our customers, our stakeholders and the wider communities in which we operate.

During 2023 we undertook a significant restructure of our Executive Committee (EC) and the teams reporting into these leaders (our ‘EC&EC-1’ population). We have evolved the structure of our business so that we can:

  • Give our talent the opportunity to develop and progress
  • Continue to deliver strong business performance and growth
  • Support ongoing change and transformation of our business
  • Invest in building capabilities that will be important to our future success.

We are delighted that 75 per cent of new appointments in EC&EC-1 roles have been made to internal talent - demonstrating the strength of our talent pipeline and our commitment to supporting and enabling career progression.

Destacats 2023


Nous empleats s'incorporen a SEGRO


Augment de l'augment de la nostra plantilla (460 persones)


Els directius participen a la Management Academy


Hores de formació per als empleats

Inclusive Spaces

Our ambition is to have an inclusive and supportive culture with a motivated workforce of talented people that reflects the make-up of the countries that we operate in. This is not only the right thing to do, but we firmly believe that it will also make our business stronger and more resilient.

SEGRO is committed to building an inclusive workplace where everyone is treated with fairness and respect, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, age, educational and professional background, religion and beliefs, and sexual orientation.

We recognise that as a company and as an industry, we need to do more to achieve greater diversity and to become truly inclusive, and we will support and challenge our suppliers and partners to do the same for their people.

Els nostres objectius


Dones a la direcció superior per al 2025 (33% el 2023)


Líders alts de minories ètniques el 2027 (5% el 2023)

Campions de la diversitat

True diversity requires diversity at all levels of the business and across all geographies in which we operate. We will achieve this through education and training to raise awareness and promote inclusive behaviours, and by bringing more diverse thinking into SEGRO.

Broadening our recruitment practices and graduate sourcing, as well as introducing innovative people policies that, for example, promote agile working will help. Yet we recognise that our stable workforce and small, geographically spread headcount will continue to be a factor in the lack of representation in certain areas.

We are working proactively to address specific as well as general opportunities to accelerate our progress towards these diversity goals. We are also proud to support sector-wide diversity initiatives such as Real Estate Balance, the British Property Federation D&I statement and the 30% Club.

Health, Safety and Wellbeing

One of our key priorities as a business is to ensure that our people can work in a healthy, safe and secure environment.

As we have adapted to an agile working approach, it has become even more critical that we support our people, wherever they are. We have a comprehensive health and safety training programme, which starts when an employee joins SEGRO and is refreshed regularly depending on the requirements of their role.

Over the past three years, we have extended our approach and now incorporate different aspects into our Wellbeing strategy, supported by our 31 Wellbeing Ambassadors across the Company.

We launched our Wellbeing Fund in 2022, this allows our colleagues to invest up to £500, or local currency equivalent, in something wellbeing related, tailored to their own needs and interests. 96 per cent of employees took up the Wellbeing Fund during 2023 and it will continue in 2024.

Recompenses significatives

From family-friendly policies that support working parents throughout their careers to an agile working policy for all employees, nurturing talent means enabling people from all walks of life to feel fulfilled and able to pursue personal goals and ambitions.

This inclusive, aspirational culture is backed up with access to training and development and the opportunity to own a stake in the company through share schemes open to everyone.

Case Study: Digital Academy

In 2021 we launched our Digital Academy giving all employees access to improved education resources on a range of digital topics with a variety of depths on offer. This included in-depth training for over 60 members of staff in our new data analysis and visualisation tool to empower them to make better use of data.

At the other end of the scale were short introductory “What the Tech Is...?” briefings by expert speakers on topics including the ‘internet of things’, drones, agile methodologies, and artificial intelligence.

Llegeix Següent

Baix en carboni

El món s'enfronta a una crisi climàtica. Els governs, les empreses i els consumidors de tot el món estan prenent compromisos i canviant el seu comportament per ajudar a afrontar aquest repte.

Llegiu sobre els nostres objectius de baix carboni


Permetre que les comunitats que viuen a prop dels nostres actius industrials clau prosperin és una part fonamental del nostre propòsit i estratègia i una cosa que ens apassiona increïblement.

Llegeix sobre les nostres comunitats

Descàrregues SEGRO responsables

Consulteu els nostres informes i polítiques

Consulteu els nostres informes i descàrregues

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