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El nostre enfocament i compromisos

Enabling the communities that live close to our key industrial assets to thrive is a core part of our Purpose and strategy and something we are incredibly passionate about. We are committed to building and nurturing long-term relationships with local organisations that can enable us to have a positive impact in the areas where we have a major presence.

We believe that partnering with organisations that really understand the needs of residents enables us to have the biggest impact in tackling inequality and help improve the lives, and prospects, for our communities in the UK and across Continental Europe.

This approach enables our teams in our key markets to respond to the needs of the local community with a range of highly impactful community and environmental programmes by:

  • Creating a strategic, coherent and outcome-driven approach across SEGRO;
  • Empowering the local teams to respond to local needs;
  • Maximising our impact by putting our customers and suppliers at the heart of the programme;
  • Working in partnership with local stakeholders such as charity partners, local government, business groups and the community


Destacats 2023


Alumnes tutoritzats per empleats i clients de SEGRO


Persones aturades a l'ocupació


Projectes lliurats per millorar el benestar i el medi ambient de les nostres comunitats locals

Volunteering is a vital part of the success of our Community Investment Programme and our employees, customers and suppliers have proved once again the incredible impact they can have when they come together with a shared goal of improving the lives of local people.


Empleats voluntaris


Jornades de voluntariat


Clients implicats en projectes de voluntariat


Proveïdors implicats en projectes de voluntariat

Augmentant perspectives per a tothom

We want to create local employment hubs. We have always facilitated routes to training, mentoring and support, and enabled local people to build and grow new businesses. We are now broadening the scope and scale of these programmes.

Widening access to quality jobs and reaching more parts of the community is a crucial goal in this, and we’re putting into place long-term local investment plans to make it happen.

Supporting local economies

Building close ties to the communities in which we operate creates powerful opportunities for collaboration and local innovation culture.

From small enterprises to industry leaders, we support and showcase our local heroes, enabling them to scale up, learn from one another and connect with local suppliers, partners, community leaders, schools, colleges and higher education establishments.

Espais que milloren la vida

Enhancing the space around our buildings means enabling teams and communities to think—and act—outside the box. This ranges from volunteering days to biodiversity ventures and environmental projects to improve (for example) local air quality.

Putting in place infrastructure that facilitates lower carbon transport solutions is also critical, whether that’s through building cycling lanes or including charging points for electric vehicles as standard at our sites.

Case Study: UK Apprenticeships

In 2021 we participated in a UK government scheme to support the London Progression Collaboration’s ‘Reskilling the Recovery’ Campaign, pledging £50,000 to support apprenticeships.

Our funding enabled three young people to move into sustainable, meaningful jobs and with longer-term career progression. We also partner with Langley College in Slough to fund apprenticeships on the Slough Trading Estate. Our Centenary Fund is supporting a Finance (Level 3) apprenticeship at Leicestershire and Rutland Community Foundation.

Through these apprenticeships, talented young people are earning qualifications and finding employment, while small businesses are benefiting from the ability to take them on and build capacity with all of the training fees covered.

Llegeix Següent

Descàrregues SEGRO responsables

Consulteu les nostres baixades i polítiques

Consulteu els nostres informes i descàrregues

El nostre Enfocament

L'any 2022 vam realitzar una avaluació de la materialitat per assegurar-nos que les nostres prioritats estratègiques i objectius dins d'ells eren adequats i reflectien les expectatives dels nostres grups d'interès.

Llegeix sobre el nostre enfocament

Les nostres prioritats estratègiques

SEGRO responsable demostra com les nostres aportacions ambientals i socials estan integrades dins de la nostra estratègia empresarial i són fonamentals per crear l'espai que permet que passin coses extraordinàries.

Llegeix les nostres prioritats estratègiques

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