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Reducció de carboni

Mètriques i objectius de reducció de carboni

If we think something is important, we establish a metric, a baseline, and a target to drive progress.


    2021 2022 2023
Corporate and customer carbon emissions (SBTi aligned target) We will reduce absolute CO2e emissions from our portfolio by 42 per cent by 2030 against a 2020 baseline, this includes Scope 1, 2 and Scope 3 Downstream Leased Assets. All employees’ variable annual remuneration is partly linked to this metric. 280,575 tCO2e 272,218 tCO2e 254,168 tCO2e
Corporate and customer carbon intensity This metric is based on the CO2e emissions of the portfolio for which we have visibility of the data. This reflects 68 per cent of the portfolio floorspace under management. 27.9 kgCO2e/m2 22.5 kgCO2e/m2 20.2 kgCO2e/m2
Embodied carbon intensity (SBTi aligned target) We will reduce the embodied carbon intensity of new developments by 20 per cent by 2030, against a 2020 baseline. All employees’ variable annual remuneration is partly linked to this metric. 391 kgCO2e/m2 353 kgCO2e/m2 348 kgCO2e/m2
Group floorspace rated EPC B equivalent or better: We are conscious of demands by our customers and by governments to provide energy-efficient buildings to reduce both carbon emissions and operating costs. We monitor these by use of Energy Performance Certificates (EPC). We are aiming for every building to have an EPC rating of B equivalent or better. 49% 58% 65%
Visibility of energy data by floor area In most cases, our customers procure their own energy. Nonetheless, the emissions from this energy consumption are part of SEGRO’s corporate and customer carbon reduction targets, so we need accurate data. We are rolling out automatic metering, but in the meantime we are dependent on our customers providing their data. To show progress here, we track what proportion of our floor area we have actual data for. All employees’ variable annual remuneration is partly linked to this metric. 54% 68% 81%
On-site renewable energy capacity and generation With significant roof space, our portfolio is capable of supporting on-site renewable energy capacity through the use of photovoltaic (solar) panels. We intend to increase this by installing solar panels on our new developments and on appropriate existing assets. The small amount of energy exported to the grid is not currently used as an offset in our operational carbon reporting.

Capacity: 35 MW

Generated: 24,781 MWh

Capacity: 44 MW

Generated: 30,131 MWh

Capacity: 59 MW

Generated: 35,567 MWh

Off-site renewable electricity procurement as a proportion of total electricity procurement Where on-site renewable energy is either unavailable or insufficient, we are working towards ensuring that all off-site electricity supplies are sourced from 100 per cent certified renewables. This data reflects the portfolio over
which we have visibility of electricity supply.
53% 49% 51%

El camí de SEGRO cap a Net-Zero

SEGRO’s carbon emission reduction targets focus on the most material aspects for the Group, namely our corporate and customer emissions and embodied carbon emissions, representing over 85 per cent of SEGRO’s value chain emissions.

We have made significant progress in transitioning to low or zero-carbon energy sources and materials in recent years and we are committed to continuing this progress and accelerating it wherever possible.

Our carbon reduction targets were set and approved under the international Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). The SBTi methodology identified a pathway for companies to reduce the emissions within their value chains to align with reaching net-zero in eligible 1.5°C pathways by 2050 or sooner.

To read more about our pathway to net-zero, see page 15 of the Responsible SEGRO Report 2023.

Read the report

Llegeix Següent

Descàrregues SEGRO responsables

Consulteu les nostres baixades i polítiques

Consulteu els nostres informes i descàrregues

El nostre Enfocament

L'any 2022 vam realitzar una avaluació de la materialitat per assegurar-nos que les nostres prioritats estratègiques i objectius dins d'ells eren adequats i reflectien les expectatives dels nostres grups d'interès.

Llegeix sobre el nostre enfocament

Les nostres prioritats estratègiques

SEGRO responsable demostra com les nostres aportacions ambientals i socials estan integrades dins de la nostra estratègia empresarial i són fonamentals per crear l'espai que permet que passin coses extraordinàries.

Llegeix les nostres prioritats estratègiques

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