Govern de la sostenibilitat
Operar en el context d'un bon govern
- Ensuring sound and ethical business conduct, including through the effective management of our supply chain, and in our customer base (to the extent that this is possible).
- Ensuring ongoing and increasing ESG disclosure and transparency.
- Protecting and upholding human rights (including Modern Slavery) within SEGRO and amongst customers and suppliers.
- Protecting and preserving our reputation, by doing the right thing and anticipating stakeholder concerns.
- Promoting and preserving a positive and caring culture, which is mindful of economic equality and hardship.
- Being mindful of cyber security and the ethical use of information and data.
Governança dels riscos i oportunitats relacionats amb el clima
The Board |
Oversight of climate-related strategy and performance |
Audit Committee | Nomination Committee | Remuneration Committee |
Oversight of climate-related disclosure within the Annual Report | Considers Sustainability- and climate change-related experience of new and existing Board members |
Sets, monitors and approves compensation and targets related to Sustainability performance, including reducing Group carbon emissions |
Executive Committee |
Setting climate change-related strategy and targets |
Technical Implementation Group | Investment Committee | Risk Committees | Strategic Priorities Steering Group | Operational Implementation Group |
Focus on development policy and improvement | Ensuring capital expenditure is consistent with climate-related targets | Monitoring climate change-related risks and emerging risks |
Monitoring of delivery of SEGRO’s eight strategic priorities, including those related to the Responsible SEGRO strategy |
Focus on policy and improvement of existing assets |
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