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Onze strategie

Disciplined capital allocation

Using our in-depth knowledge of our customers and the trends impacting their businesses, to pick markets and assets that create the right portfolio shape, actively manage its composition and adapt our capital deployment according to our assessment of the property cycle.

Operational excellence

Leveraging our operating platform to optimise performance through dedicated customer service, expert asset management, development and operational efficiency.

Efficient capital and corporate structure

Underpin the property level returns from our portfolio with a lean overhead structure, the best technology-enabled processes and an efficient capital structure and appropriate financial leverage.

Responsible SEGRO

Embedded in the way that we manage our business day-to-day are our Responsible SEGRO strategic priorities. They influence the way we manage our portfolio, how we create new space, and the investments that we make into our business to make sure that it is fit for the future.

Kritieke Prestatie Indicatoren

Total Shareholder Return (TSR) 

TSR measures the change in our share price over the year, assuming that dividends paid are reinvested. This reflects our commitment to delivering enhanced returns for our shareholders through executing our strategy over the medium term. TSR is a key metric used in setting the long-term incentive plan remuneration for both the Executive Directors and senior managers.

Read about our TSR Performance

Total Property Return (TPR) 

TPR is the ungeared combined income and capital return from our portfolio of standing investments held throughout the year. It is an important measure of the success of our strategy in terms of asset selection and management. MSCI Real Estate prepares the calculation, as well as providing benchmark TPR data for similar properties in their wider universe. We aim to outperform the benchmark over the long term. Details on how TPR impacts short- and long-term incentives are provided on pages 126 to 128 of our Annual Report.

Read about our TPR performance

Total Accounting Return (TAR) 

TAR is the growth in Adjusted NAV per share plus dividends paid, expressed as a percentage of Adjusted NAV per share at 31 December 2022. It measures the return on capital and is a key metric used in setting the long-term incentive plan remuneration for both the Executive Directors and senior

Read about our TAR performance

Adjusted Earnings Per Share (EPS)

Our Adjusted EPS reflects earnings from our operating business: rental income less operating, administrative and financing costs and tax. It is the primary determinant of the level of the annual dividend. IFRS EPS includes the impact of realised and unrealised changes in the valuation of our assets, which can often mask the underlying operating performance. The reconciliation between Basic EPS and Adjusted EPS can be found in Note 12(i) on page 161 of our Annual Report.

Read about our EPS performance 

Rent Roll Growth

The headline annualised rent contracted during the year less income lost from
takebacks. There are two elements: to grow income from our standing assets
by reducing vacancy and increasing rents from lease renewals and rent reviews; and to generate new rent by developing buildings, either on a pre-let or speculative basis. Rent from acquisitions is not included.

Read about our rent roll growth performance

Loan to Value (LTV)

Borrowings as a proportion of our portfolio value, including joint ventures and associates at share. The timing of investment decisions and disposals, as well as movement in the value of our assets, may cause the LTV to fluctuate. We believe that REITs with lower through-cycle leverage offer a lower risk and less volatile investment proposition for shareholders.

Read about our LTV performance

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