Emerging Development Proposal
Our proposal
SEGRO is pleased to bring forward a proposal for a new industrial and logistics development as a second phase of the existing and successful SEGRO Logistics Park East Midlands Gateway (EMG1).
EMG1 is now fully occupied, with the market demand for both warehouse floorspace and access to the rail freight terminal having exceeded expectations. Find out more about EMG1 here.
Our proposal for the new phase SEGRO Logistics Park East Midlands Gateway 2 (EMG2) would see the delivery of additional and much-needed strategic warehouse and logistics space to continue to meet market demands. This new development would form part of the East Midlands Freeport, driving further economic regeneration across the East Midlands.
The emerging proposal is in the pre-application stage, with draft plans and other details still being refined. Consultation on the emerging proposals will be undertaken in accordance with out Statement of Community Consultation which is available on the Downloads page. A period of statutory consultation will be held from 3 February 2025 until 17 March 2025. During that period, draft documents detailing the emerging proposals will be available to view and comment upon under a 'Statutory consultation' tab.
For indicative purpose only | SEGRO Logistics Park East Midlands Gateway 1
Our vision
Our vision is to create a state-of-the-art industrial and logistics development that not only provides opportunities for businesses to scale, but also sees the creation of thousands of jobs and the investment of £325 million into the area, driving economic growth and supporting the local community. The development will be a model of excellence in design, functionality and sustainability. Home to a clean, safe and secure environment for all to enjoy.
- Up to 326,500 sq m of employment space (including 300,000 sq m on EMG2 and 26,500 sq m within the existing EMG1), with an allowance for 103,500 sq m of additional mezzanine floors.
- Maximum external building height in the range of 15 to 24 metres to ridge, subject to ongoing assessment and consultation
- Creation of substantial employment opportunities, with 4,000 jobs located at EMG 2
- Expansion and improvements to the strategic rail freight terminal at EMG 1
- Investment of £325 million into the area and driving economic regeneration via the East Midlands Freeport
- Provision of road and infrastructure improvements, including new vehicular access from the A453 and a new estate road serving EMG2
- A new bus interchange terminal at EMG2's entrance which replicates and builds upon the successful sustainable travel strategy for EMG1
- Hyam's Lane retention and provision of pedestrian / cycle connectivity through the middle of EMG2
- Extensive landscaping areas and buffers along EMG2's boundaries, including new landscape features and biodiversity enhancements
- A significant landscape screen utilising earthworks bunding on the western and southern parts of the site, including drainage (SUDs) features

While the application will not seek approval for details of layout or design, an illustrative masterplan will be submitted as part of the application in due course.
The emerging proposal is in the pre-application stage. Work is ongoing to survey and assess land within the EMG2, and to agree the scope of the Transport Assessment and other detail which will be required as part of an application.
The application will be supported by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to aid decision-making by providing an assessment of any likely significant environmental impacts.
The proposal includes land within the existing EMG1, and to deliver either additional floorspace or additional container storage areas associated with the rail freight terminal, as well as land to accommodate gantry cranes within the terminal itself.
These elements of the proposal would improve efficiency and operational capacity of the terminal itself, aiding the transfer of freight from road to rail, and future-proofing the terminal in light of the additional use by occupiers of EMG2, if approved.
Contact us
Contact us to find out more about the plans for SEGRO Logistics Park East Midlands Gateway 2 and our emerging vision.
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