SEGRO Logistics Park Castel San Giovanni Z1 U1
SEGRO Logistics Park Castel San GiovannI Z1 U1 buildings are located within the logistics center of Castel San Giovanni and have a total area of 6,441 square meters.
The buildings were built for the client TANNICO which deals with the distribution of non-domestic food products.
Features of sustainability
Features of Sustainability
Power: Photovoltaic panels
Mobility: Electrical car charging
Social sustainability: Life path with sports equipment
Environmental sustainability: Bee area where honey is produced
- A1 - Milano - Napoli 15 km
- A7 - Milano - Genova 30 km
- A1 - Torino - Brescia 1 km
- A22 - Moderna - Brennero 45 km
- Milan 60 km (45mn)
- Piacenza 15 km (20mn)
- Torino 150 km (90 mn)
- Bologna 175 km (120 mn)
Public transport
- Castel San Giovanni Railway 2 km
- Estate bus station 0 km