SEGRO Logistics Park Castel San Giovanni Y2
SEGRO Logistics Park Castel San Giovanni Y2 property is located within the logistics hub of Castel San Giovanni near the Milan / Bologna motorway branch.
Located within the hub, the property has an area of approximately 18,000 sqm for the client Renault Group.
The property is located near the bee area, where there are 80 hives with 3,500 bees that produce honey.
The property was built with the well-being of the employees in mind with an outdoor terrace decorated with climbing plants that create a magnificent green wall.
Features of sustainability
Features of Sustainability
Power: Photovoltaic panels
Mobility: Electrical car charging
Social sustainability
Environmental sustainability: Bee area where honey is produced
- A1 - Milano - Napoli 15 km
- A7 - Milano - Genova 30 km
- A1 - Torino - Brescia 1 km
- A22 - Moderna - Brennero 45 km
- Milan 60 km (45mn)
- Piacenza 15 km (20mn)
- Torino 150 km (90 mn)
- Bologna 175 km (120 mn)
Public transport
- Castel San Giovanni Railway 2 km
- Estate bus station 0 km